After Several fantastic evenings, I thought a re-cap
might serve us well.
Where to start?
A poignant question indeed.
It's important, before jumping into a job search, to ask yourself
•why am I looking for a job?
•why am I looking to change careers??
•why am I not happy/satisfied with my current status?
Don't be afraid to ask yourself these questions, or the many
others that may arise.
Before starting to search for a new job or career, you
first have to decide what inspires you, where and what type of company you want
to work for, and what skills you have or need.
Once you've narrowed down the search from every job
posting, everywhere you can concentrate your efforts on a select few that truly
interest you.
It's time to start
In our 4th Reboot evening , Donna Scorpio form
YMCA-YWCAEmployment Centre stressed the importance of tailoring your resume and cover
letter. Every job posting has a list of
skills and achievements requited to qualify for that particular job opening. If
possible, research the company, review the company's mission statement and core
values. The more information about the company and the specific job, the more tailored
the cover latter and resume can be.
Donna explained the 3 different resume formats;
chronological, functional and combination. Each has its own merit and particular
use. Regardless of the format you choose, it's important not to overload it
with irrelevant information. She pointed
out that a resume should start with a tailored objective and that everything
that follows should reinforce exactly why you are able to achieve that
objective. " A resume is like a puzzle and it should fit from the top down
and the bottom up." Your cover letter is just as important and whenever
possible, should be included with any application. As Donna mentioned, there
are three important thing to remember when writing resumes and cover letters
and they are:
Taylor, Taylor and Taylor. (Let's not forget STAR Bullets!)
It sound like a lot of work, and it certainly can be,
especially if you already have a full time job.
Michelle Schaffer discussed the necessity of setting
goals as well as boundaries. While hunting for the perfect career opportunity
might be top of your list of things to do, maintaining a healthy lifestyle
should be just as important. While it's important to setting aside time every
day (or week) for your job search, it is equally important not to neglect
eating, sleeping, family, friends and relaxing. Tending to life's everyday
duties and tasks while searching for a more fulfilling career can be stressful
and detrimental to your health, if left unchecked. Furthermore you don't want to be stressed and
worn down, if you do get the call for an interview for that dream job.
Finding that dream job to apply for is a quest all on its
own. Where do you look? What are the
skills required? What can you expect for salary? What recourses are available
to help find these jobs? Jill Hawken
uncovered for us, a virtual treasure trove of recourses offered by the Ottawa Public
Library. Best of all, it's all free and much of it is on line; current job
listings, salary expectations, lists of companies searchable and sortable by
industry. Not only is the library a
great source for wonderful programs and events to help you with your career
goals, but it also offers computer time and has a whole section on their
website dedicated to jobs and careers.
The Career Reboot Group would be nowhere without Jill
Hawken and the OPL!
Since our first evening, we've grown from a few attendees
to a full room. We've made great connections and met new friends. We've
continued to connect outside of the Monday group; meeting for coffee, Linking
In on line and staying in touch through email. We're fostering our growing network
with every meeting.
Michelle had a wonderful turnout for her talk "Tapping the Hidden Job Market:
Taking the Fear out of Networking". She spoke about how we network every
day, perhaps without even recognizing we're doing it; at the gym, at school,
picking up the groceries on the way home. She explained that many jobs can only be found
through networking, that in some cases, hiring managers find the perfect fit
thought their trusted network before they ever get a chance to post the
vacancy. It goes to prove that sometimes, it's who you know that can make all
the difference.
Michelle has been a huge part of Career Reboot. Her help,
guidance and support are greatly appreciated.
All of our speakers have been and continue to be a big asset of the group. They give up their
Monday night to offer their knowledge and guidance. We thank you for all that
you do.
But this group is nothing without our attendees. This
group is for you and is all about you, your experiences, your successes, your
goals and your plans to achieve them. We may all be striving to attain
different dreams and goals, but we come together to support, encourage and
learn from each other.
There's strength in numbers. Let's stay strong together!
Hope to see you Nov. 23rd!